Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Ms.Sonam Angmo

(Speaking on the impact on Environment of Ladakh through blind influx of tourism)
Nature made cycle for every resources and also runs this cycle beautifully (water cycle)  , but somehow human disturb this cycle for his own greed . we do not follow the nature's rule of cycling things for sustainable growth .We need to reuse the water we extract from underground. The water we use excessively should get back to underground so that the water gets recharge.

We are extracting gallons of water for flushing system in toilets used by tourists lowering  the underground water table extensively without doing anything back to it for recharging the water table.despite receiving as low as 50mm annual precipitation.
I think we are ignoring the fact that why a tourist visit a place ?....they visit to see how we live without causing any harm to nature, so if so they visit us they should have to accept us the way we have been living and the way we are living not the way they want to.

We expect her complete researched speech soon on this issue on our speak Ladakh platform.
Ms.Sonam is doing her research from JNU Delhi , can reach her on