Thursday, 26 March 2015

Speak Ladakh Looking for potential Sponsors !!


Speak Ladakh is about to start a series of interviews soon of the people of Ladakh broadly with following Objectives:

  1. To bridge the information gap between the current younger generation and our past generations(On knowledge of their work and them) who have played and still playing a significant role in different spheres for Ladakh.
  2. To create a digital archive of eminent personalities of Ladakh, their experiences, their wisdom and their untiring contribution in making Ladakh a better place.  
  3. To take interviews of unsung heroes of Ladakh and hence bring them in public domain.
  4. To take interviews of the budding leaders and new talents of Ladakh.
  5. To take interviews of leading politicians, scholars, social workers, entrepreneurs etc.
  6. And we will gradually evolve with time since these interview series have a huge scope in future. 

We have this firm believe that many of these interviews are going to be Historic, which will help us eventually in keeping a memory of the people who have untiringly served Ladakh in many ways.
If what we claim synchronizes with any of potential donors please let us know.

Love and regards

Post III on our Sanitaion Project

Continued from our previous post....

As promised to provide the necessary funds, Speak Ladakh worked on the design of ecoToilet and the estimation, it came roughly around 7,80,000/-
And the process of file moving begun, this file work was long enough, by the time we could understand who heads the Ladakh Enviornmental Fund, who had the final authority to approve the fund, new DC Mr. Simrandeep Singh was inducted and it came to his notice that there's big chunk of funds (In crores) that should go into J&K treasury rather than hasving under the authority of few people.
Mr. Simrandeep said, that a Govt. money can't be given to any NGO like a donation and suggested us that we should follow proper systematic structure.
So all the file work for which we worked hard here and there (It is to note that it's hard working in Leh when you have no connections, when you have to wait for 3/4 hours all to avail no response from them, when you have no personal vehicles, when you have to walk up and down from DC office to LAHDC office 50 of times)
Meanwhile as personally promised by Ajang Rigzin Spalpar lay that he'll help us get the funds at any cost we went to our site(Taxi Union) any begun our work, with our own personal expenses.
We dismantled 10, 20 or more years(Not Sure) old local compost toilet which is where had approved NOC letter from Municipal committee to construct our newly ecoTOILET.
The dysfunctional toilet was in such a pathetic state that it was impossible to clear it in day time, so we had to clear the malba after 9 PM till midnight for few days.
We are not trying to defame or accuse someone,It is also possible that there could be many short comings from our part as well, here we are just expressing what happened to few budding social-entrepreneurs, few youth who wanted to work on sanitation problem in Leh.
Love & Regards
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Post II on our Sanitation Project

It's seen that there's a serious communication gap between what we are trying to convey and how people have perceived it.
The sanitation project we were working on could not see the light of the day due to many problems, which needs to be shared and discussed among us.
Continued from our previous post..
Following our small research we went to Morup saab (then ADC) who was also head of Municipal Committee with our DPR (Detailed Project Report) but to our utter surprise he ask us straight question 'What do you want ?' It is understandable that person at such rank has more important things to consider than wasting their time on every individual who come up with their ideas, but Bureaucratic freedom which Modi proposed to give had no value there.
We said this could be an alternative solution for the problem of sanitation in Leh that you should consider, on it he said " Who is going to pay for it ?"
We " If there's possibility of getting fund from state govt."
On it " Last pey ka Kunga tundup ka leb pa ya " (At the end you reach to money, loosely translated)
Following that we went to Ka RP hoping some positive response from his side, but he also gave cold response saying leave the file there on table I will read it later. We doubt he even cared to read our aims and objectives forget the feasibility or viability of project.
Finally we got a chance to show our presentation to Ka Rigzin Jora without taking any appointment or giving prior notice (On spot at Circuit House). On mentioning we have project regarding Sanitation problem in Leh, he immediately called Morup Saab saying he is the person who has executive power at ground level.
After the presentation it was decided that they will provide a chunk of fund from LEF (Ladakh Environmental Fund) depending on the estimation we give.
We can't and should not deny the boldness of Jora Saab for taking that decision and encouraging the youths' aspiration.
Here we want to make it very clear that we don't have any inclination to any political party.
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The Project that could not see the light of the day !


Dear Friends,
Speak Ladakh since late 2012, was trying their hands on doing something on the grave problem of sanitation problem in Ladakh (Specially Leh) So keeping that in mind a small group of Speak Ladakh members worked on the possibilities of alternative solutions and came up with a vision of making Leh, ODF (Open Defication Free) and OUF (Open Urination Free) and Keeping in mind the unique challenges of climatic conditions in Ladakh also.
These were the Vision and Mission statements that come up at last:
Vision: To make Leh Open Defecation Free by 2018. A vision of Nirmal Leh (then Nirmal, now Swach)
1) To construct sustainable, viable and cost effective public Toilets in Leh.
2) Total Sanitation Campaign in Ladakh to create awareness on
a) Removing social and cultural norms that accepts open defecation as traditional
b) Promotion of adoption of improved hygiene behaviour (Handwashing at critical times) and safe sanitary practices.
3) To win Nirmal Gram Status for Leh.
4) Operationalizing system for safe management of solid and liquid wastes (Human waste).
We preferred not to make it public because until some substantial work we won't do at ground level there's no point in bragging...
But following what happen...please ... please follow the us
svc.. Designed by @Sonam tsewang