Thursday, 26 March 2015

The Project that could not see the light of the day !


Dear Friends,
Speak Ladakh since late 2012, was trying their hands on doing something on the grave problem of sanitation problem in Ladakh (Specially Leh) So keeping that in mind a small group of Speak Ladakh members worked on the possibilities of alternative solutions and came up with a vision of making Leh, ODF (Open Defication Free) and OUF (Open Urination Free) and Keeping in mind the unique challenges of climatic conditions in Ladakh also.
These were the Vision and Mission statements that come up at last:
Vision: To make Leh Open Defecation Free by 2018. A vision of Nirmal Leh (then Nirmal, now Swach)
1) To construct sustainable, viable and cost effective public Toilets in Leh.
2) Total Sanitation Campaign in Ladakh to create awareness on
a) Removing social and cultural norms that accepts open defecation as traditional
b) Promotion of adoption of improved hygiene behaviour (Handwashing at critical times) and safe sanitary practices.
3) To win Nirmal Gram Status for Leh.
4) Operationalizing system for safe management of solid and liquid wastes (Human waste).
We preferred not to make it public because until some substantial work we won't do at ground level there's no point in bragging...
But following what happen...please ... please follow the us
svc.. Designed by @Sonam tsewang