Thursday, 26 March 2015

Post III on our Sanitaion Project

Continued from our previous post....

As promised to provide the necessary funds, Speak Ladakh worked on the design of ecoToilet and the estimation, it came roughly around 7,80,000/-
And the process of file moving begun, this file work was long enough, by the time we could understand who heads the Ladakh Enviornmental Fund, who had the final authority to approve the fund, new DC Mr. Simrandeep Singh was inducted and it came to his notice that there's big chunk of funds (In crores) that should go into J&K treasury rather than hasving under the authority of few people.
Mr. Simrandeep said, that a Govt. money can't be given to any NGO like a donation and suggested us that we should follow proper systematic structure.
So all the file work for which we worked hard here and there (It is to note that it's hard working in Leh when you have no connections, when you have to wait for 3/4 hours all to avail no response from them, when you have no personal vehicles, when you have to walk up and down from DC office to LAHDC office 50 of times)
Meanwhile as personally promised by Ajang Rigzin Spalpar lay that he'll help us get the funds at any cost we went to our site(Taxi Union) any begun our work, with our own personal expenses.
We dismantled 10, 20 or more years(Not Sure) old local compost toilet which is where had approved NOC letter from Municipal committee to construct our newly ecoTOILET.
The dysfunctional toilet was in such a pathetic state that it was impossible to clear it in day time, so we had to clear the malba after 9 PM till midnight for few days.
We are not trying to defame or accuse someone,It is also possible that there could be many short comings from our part as well, here we are just expressing what happened to few budding social-entrepreneurs, few youth who wanted to work on sanitation problem in Leh.
Love & Regards
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